Prophecy centers entirely around the origins of the Bene Gesserit, known only as "the Sisterhood" in the show. However, there ...
"Dune: Prophecy" is a prequel series set in Frank Herbert's "Dune" universe. The story is based both on "Dune" and the ...
HBO's new "Dune" series from Diane Ademu-John and Alison Schapker kicks off with a 66-minute premiere episode.
The series chronicles the early evolution of the Bene Gesserit order into a superpowered mystical sisterhood with great ...
"Dune: Prophecy" takes place thousands of years before the "Dune" movies, here's what to know about the prequel series and ...
But then this motherfucker named Desmond Hart walks into Dune: Prophecy and everything changes.
If we just focus on the show itself, without thinking about the rest of Dune, the basic setup is this: young Valya ...